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Re: About ARM Multi-ICE support for eCOS

"Jeremias, Thilo" wrote:
> I think I heard rumor, that ARM-legal is about to open those sources?
> If that is true, what is the official RedHat statement, for how long it will
> take to make them
> available to the public?
> I guess there are quite some folks around, who are waiting for that stub!

Yes we now have the sources and intend to make the whole lot available when
we (in fact, I)  have the time. However it is Red Hat's financial end of
quarter and various important jobs need doing first for that, so other
stuff takes a back seat. Sorry, but that's life. I hope to get on it some
time next week.

And to pre-empt anyone, no, I can't just give an ad hoc code drop of what
we've got :-). It needs some preparation first.

Red Hat, Rustat House, Clifton Road, Cambridge, UK. Tel: +44 (1223) 271062
Maybe this world is another planet's Hell -Aldous Huxley || Opinions==mine

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