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Building with eCos 1.3.1


I am having some trouble building a library with eCos 1.3.1.  I am
currently in NT4.0, with cygwin DLL 1.3.5 (latest version of cygwin), and
eCos version  Whenever I try to build a library, I get the
following error message

make[1]: fopen: //C/PROGRA~1/REDHAT~1/eCos/packages/pkgconf/rules.mak: No such file or directory
make[1]: Entering directory `C:\MYDATA\Taishan\Work\test_build\hal\common\v1_3_1'
make[1]: Leaving directory `C:\MYDATA\Taishan\Work\test_build\hal\common\v1_3_1'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `//C/PROGRA~1/REDHAT~1/eCos/packages/pkgconf/rules.mak'.  Stop.
make: *** [headers] unknown signal

I have mounted my C drive as suggested in the eCos installation instructions.  I know there is a previous msg asking the same question as I am, and
it's suggested
that a newer version of eCos should be used.  I have tried other newer versions of eCos, and re-mounted the C drive in cygwin accord to the
description in the readme
file and still with no luck.  I have also read that it is possible to use an older version of cygwin to work around this problem, but I am having
trouble finding out which version
of cygwin this is, when to get it.  If you can shine some light on this, I'll greatly appreciate it.


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