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compile error when using newer version ecos configuration tool

Hi all:
    While I am using the newer version eCOS Configuration Tool v2.08 on
win2000 (for ARME7T). I tried to build the hello.c sample app. the following
is the error output during compilation:

Template:  ARM E7T
type:  all

bash.exe-2.05$ arm-elf-gcc -g -I/d/ecos-work/work1/work1_install/include
hello.c -L/d/ecos-work/work1/work1_install/lib -Ttarget.ld -nostdlib

/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/arm-elf/bin/ld: address 0x9817c of a.out section
.bss is
 not within region ram
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


Mr Huang Qiang
Postgraduate Student
Room318 B-Block
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Electronics
University Of Liverpool
Brownlow Hill
Liverpool L69,3GJ

Personal website at:

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