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Problem about running example

Hi all:
    I am using a ARM evaluator 7 T board. I would like to run the example
(eg. hello.c serial.c twothread.c). On the ARM E7T board there are two
serial port. one is used for download the other one is used for debug. Where
will the "Hello, eCos world!" string be displayed? out from the debug serial
port for just displayed on the host screen via the downloading serial
channel? How should I connect the hardware for running the example. The
following is the process I run the example.
(is it possible to run the hello.c on the Insight?)

1. Build the library for ARM E7T board
2. arm-elf-gcc to compile the program
3. arm-elf-gdb -nw a.out
4. continue
is there anything wrong?


Mr Huang Qiang
Postgraduate Student
Room318 B-Block
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Electronics
University Of Liverpool
Brownlow Hill
Liverpool L69,3GJ

Personal website at:

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