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Dwarf 2 Meeting Agenda, May 16, 2000, 10:30am PDT

The next meeting will be at SGI on Tuesday, May 16, 2000, at 10:30am PST.
It will be followed by lunch at an area restaurant and then an afternoon 
editing meeting with Ron Brender.


Proposals ready for discussion:

        000403.3        Statement prolog header
        000405.1        Global types section
        000410.1        FORM_ref_addr
        000410.2        New FORMs DW_AT_linep, locp, macp
        000410.3        Add aliases "loclist", "lineptr", "macptr"
        000428.1        Rename DW_FORM_ref_addr
        000428.2        Add DW_ATE_wchar_t

Note that 000410.1 has been updated.

The following proposals have been deleted:

	991021.1	Non-contiguous functions
	991026.1 	Fortran 90 support
	991026.2	C++ support
	991026.4	Java support
	991026.4	Java support

None of these had written proposal, and it was felt that these were just
placeholders for detailed proposals which have been submitted.

There are several incomplete proposals:

	991026.3	Duplicate Dwarf data deletion
	991108.2	C++ Virtual functions
	991108.13	Unwinding stacks
	000223.1	DW_AT_data_member_location
	000302.2	Attribute extensibility

There are no proposals currently ready for discussion at subsequent meetings.

Michael Eager	 Eager Consulting
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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