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Re: [docbook] line break

Gerrit wrote:
How do I achieve this? I tried to do:


But this is rendered as a block, not inline, so I end up with empty
lines before and after the line break, which obviously is not what I
want. And it's ugly.

Well, IMHO <literallayout> is exactly what you need. This is a verbatim
environment which means _every_ line break you add will show up exactly in
your processed document.

Be aware that

<literallayout> They entered the room. It's dark here, Joe said. He was right. </literallayout>

is different from

<literallayout>They entered the room.
It's dark here, Joe said. He was right.</literallayout>

since the line breaks after the opening tag and before the closing tag are
also considered while processing. This might be the drawback you encounter.

HTH Thomas Gier Technical Writer

Aachen / Germany

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