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[docbook-apps] Tasks and Procedures

I'm a newbie but learning quickly. I've been
working with Task and Procedure recently. As I
compose a Task, it is usually going to be
multiple pages long (lots of steps and substeps
defined in multiple prerequesite procedures along
with the Task Procedure). Then I'll have many of
these lengthy Tasks in an article.

I'd like the Task title to appear in the table of
contents if possible. Right now I'm simply doing:

      <title>Task: Review Inventory

Maybe there's a way to work a section title in to
get these to show up?  I haven't started my
customization layer yet but I'm getting ready to.

Now ideally, each Procedure would have a title
and these titles would show up in the TOC as

Anybody have thoughts on making lengthy tasks
navigatable? My primary transformations are pdf
and html btw.

Thanks very much for your time.


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