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Indention problems with FOP and para inside listitems


relating to some bug with xsl-1.68.1 and body.start.indent

I still struggle with some indention issues.

My PDF document should look like this :

.. 1. Section 1
....... 1.1. Section 1a
....... para
....... - listitem A para
......... para (additional para to listitem A)
....... - listitem B para

well, If I use the normal.para.spacing attribute like

<xsl:attribute-set name="normal.para.spacing">
   <xsl:attribute name="margin-left">5pc</xsl:attribute>
   <xsl:attribute name="text-indent">0pc</xsl:attribute>

then ALL para elements are indent the same - even the para elements inside listitems, so it looks like:

.. 1. Section 1
....... 1.1. Section 1a
....... para
....... - listitem A para
....... para (additional para to listitem A) <<-- wrong, should be the same indention as "listitem A para"
....... - listitem B para

The body.start.indent parameter, wich I think is made for these purposes, has to be set to 0pc because of this bug with TOC's mentioned above.

I have no idea now how to achieve this.


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