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Re: [docbook-apps] Legalnotice: HTML Help generates filename, butI had changed it...

Billard, Trish wrote:

I'd ignore it, but then my htmlhelp workshop can't compile the ln-d3e10.htm and gives an error. I'd like to avoid that. How can I keep the stylesheets from generating this extra file?

You can silently ignore this message, it doesn't affect output. But if you still care, you can override following template to output desired filename for legal notice:

<xsl:template match="legalnotice" mode="enumerate-files">
<xsl:variable name="id"><xsl:call-template name=""/></xsl:variable>
<xsl:if test="$ != 0">
<xsl:call-template name="make-relative-filename">
<xsl:with-param name="base.dir">
<xsl:if test="$ = 0">
<xsl:value-of select="$base.dir"/>
<xsl:with-param name="" select="concat('ln-',$id,$html.ext)"/>

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