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[docbook-apps] [website] olink mechanismen complains about missing website.database.xmlbut this isn't missing


at the moment I am playing around with website 2.5.0 and it's olink mechanism. First of all: the source XML documents are in different
directories. Here is my makefile target:

	--stringparam autolayout-file "$(.CURDIR)/autolayout.xml" \
	--stringparam target.database.document \
	"$(.CURDIR)/website.database.xml" \
		$(XSL_TABULAR) $<)

I specify target.database.document explicitly. Nevertheless the XSL stylesheets give these warnings:

(unset SGML_CATALOG_FILES; /usr/local/bin/xsltproc --catalogs --nonet --xinclude -o tests/zielendeseite.html --stringparam autolayout-file "/usr/home/plexus/ew/pwxsl/kopf/test/netzseite/autolayout.xml" --stringparam target.database.document "/usr/home/plexus/ew/pwxsl/kopf/test/netzseite/website.database.xml" ./../../website/xsl/tabular.xsl tests/zielendeseite.xml)
Variable $SGML_CATALOG_FILES not set
warning: failed to load external entity "tests/website.database.xml"
warning: failed to load external entity "tests/website.database.xml"
warning: failed to load external entity "tests/website.database.xml"
warning: failed to load external entity "tests/website.database.xml"
warning: failed to load external entity "tests/website.database.xml"
warning: failed to load external entity "tests/website.database.xml"

May it is possible to avoid this warning?


Oliver Fischer

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