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RE: [docbook-apps] admon graphics cause error with PassiveTex

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Eisenacher []
> check the file index.xml in your passivetex distribution. It contains 
> the version info. Unfortunately, the index.html file that is created 
> from the source does not contain the version info.
> Gisbert Amm schrieb:
> [snip]
> > BTW: How can I find out, which version of PassiveTex I'm 
> actually using (Tim
> > Waugh e.g. wrote "passivetex 1.24")

Thanks for the hint, but neither the zip file of Sebastian Rahtz himself nor
the SuSE RPM contain the a file named "index.xml" ...

$> rpm -ql passivetex-2002.8.11-15 | grep index

$> unzip -l
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  06-27-02 11:20   passivetex/
     5924  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/dummyels.sty
    50540  06-27-02 11:18   passivetex/fotex.sty
    57457  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/fotex.xmt
    13693  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/mlnames.sty
     4041  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/tei.xmt
     6141  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/teiprintslides.xmt
     5413  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/teislides.xmt
     1100  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/teixml.sty
     2250  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/teixmlslides.sty
   130591  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/ucharacters.sty
    23178  06-25-02 23:51   passivetex/unicode.sty
 --------                   -------
   300328                   12 files

But it's not so important any more. After a short mail exchange with Bob
Stayton I decided to keep at Fop and abandon my trials with PassiveTex for
the first.

Gisbert Amm

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