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[docbook-apps] Avoiding namespace resolution via the Internet ??


I am currently playing with website and was highly surprised
how slow the processing of an extremely simple example was

I do use xsltproc, which is usually very fast on processing
my docbook xml documents.

I also noticed that everytime I tried to generate the simple
website, my internet traffic started to go up, which I think
is the reason for the slowness.

I think this is related to namespace resolution, and I wonder
whether such namespaces can also be locally catalogued like
eg dtd's.

In particular, "-v" output of a slow xsltproc process shows

SGML_CATALOG_FILES=/etc/sgml/catalog xsltproc -v --catalogs \
 --maxdepth 999 --output page1.html  --stringparam output-root . \
  /usr/share/sgml/website-2.5.0/xsl/tabular.xsl  doc1.xml
Added namespace: xsl mapped to
Added namespace: html mapped to
Added namespace: doc mapped to
exclude result prefix html
exclude result prefix doc
exclude result prefix html
exclude result prefix doc
xsltPrecomputeStylesheet: removing ignorable blank node
xsltParseStylesheetProcess : found stylesheet
Added namespace: xsl mapped to
Added namespace: html mapped to
Added namespace: doc mapped to
Added namespace: rddl mapped to
Added namespace: l mapped to
exclude result prefix doc

So I wonder whether the various namespaces are at the origin
of the slow processing, and how to speed that up.

Thanks for any hints,

  Marc Baaden

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