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Re: [docbook-apps] Linux Weekly News: A quick look at Conglomerate 0.70

At 17:30 15/09/2003, Dave Pawson wrote:
At 20:21 14/09/2003 +0200, Steinar Bang wrote:
The Achilles heel of DocBook when "selling" it as a MSWord

What a horrible thought.
I hope docbook is never as bad as word.

I don't understand how could Docbook "replace" MSWord when (as I understand it) they are very different things: Docbook is a system for writing structured XML documents (or SGML, I suppose) and Word is a word-processing application. Word is used to edit compatible files that contain text and/or images (independent of structure), but Docbook describes how your document is going to behave structurally, independent of what apps you use to edit files adhering to that structure.

And I have some difficulty imagining my grandmother sitting down to write a short letter using Docbook XML (actually, I wouldn't do that either -- MSWord, for all it's shortcomings, is perfectly sufficient for that task at present :)


Carl E. Anderson
nCipher Corporation Ltd. +44 1223 723690 Fax: +44 1223 723601

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