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Re: [docbook-apps] Including external XSL-FO in docbook document ?
- From: Marc Baaden <baaden at smplinux dot de>
- To: Jeff Beal <jeff dot beal at ansys dot com>
- Cc: docbook-apps at lists dot oasis-open dot org
- Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 18:07:14 +0200
- Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Including external XSL-FO in docbook document ?
Hi Jeff,
sorry to be a bit slow, but I still haven't grasped everything.
I tried what you suggested, and in principle it seems to work.
I tried both ways:
a) modifying/customizing pagesetup.xsl by adding my
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="resume-page"
for the resume
b) using an existing simple-page-master like eg body.
In addition to that I included the XSL transformation for the
resume that look like
<xsl:template match="resume-page">
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="resume-page">
[..] ^^^^^^^^^^^
Here either resume-page or eg body, ..
I think my problem lies in the first template-match above.
Initially I had "/" which leads to
!file:/home/marc/cvs/XML/bug/ line 1: [error] Incorrect top element - should be 'root'}
Then I tried to match resume-page instead as defined above in the
master-reference, which yields
Making portrait pages on A4 paper (210mmx297mm)
resume encountered in book, but no template matches.
degrees encountered in academics, but no template matches.
So I assumed I need to match against resume, which indeed produces
no error - fine - but no output as well.
Any idea where I go wrong ?
>>> Jeff Beal said:
>> Your basic FO document looks something like this:
>> <fo:root>
>> <fo:layout-master-set/>
>> <fo:page-sequence/>
>> <fo:page-sequence/>
>> <fo:page-sequence/>
>> ...
>> </fo:root>
>> Each <fo:page-sequence/> refers (using the master-name property) to a
>> page-sequence-master that was declared in the <fo:layout-master-set/>. In
>> your case, the DocBook stylesheets are generating the layout-master-set, bu
>> the ResumeXML stylesheets are generating the <fo:page-sequence/> expecting
>> to use the layout-master-set defined by those stylesheets. You have
>> basically two options: find the template in resumexml that generates the
>> layout-master-set and write a customization to insert that in the
>> layout-master-set or find the template in resumexml that creates the
>> page-sequence and modify it to use one of the page-sequence-masters defined
>> in DocBook. I would recommend the latter approach to be sure that all of
>> your pages and margins are consistent throughout your document. Probably
>> the best way to do this would be to look at the template matching "chapter"
>> in docbook/fo/component.xsl and the template matching "resume" in resumexml
>> and see where they're different.
Dr. Marc Baaden - Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris -
FAX: +49 697912 39550 - Tel: +33 15841 5176 ou +33 609 843217
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