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Re: [docbook-apps] anyone have a windows-based publishing infrastructure?


I can recommend using Cygwin for processing Docbook on Windows platforms. You get the xml-dtd, the xsl stylesheets, xmllint, xsltproc and xmlto as Cygwin packages. If you want pdf processing as well, you have to additionally install Passivetex and XmlTex, which works smoothly. I've posted a howto some time ago here:

Alternatively, you can also give Igor Zlatkovic's Windows port of the libxml and libxslt packages (xmllint and xsltproc) a try. Additionally you need to download the xml-dtd and xsl stylesheets from sourceforge and install libiconv, also available from Igor's site I'm not using them for my work, but when I gave them a try, they worked pretty well.

HTH, Patrick

Robert P. J. Day schrieb:

  while i'm adamantly a linux-based person, a colleague is interested
in setting up a windows-based publishing infrsstructure, preferably
with freely-available/open source tools.

  does anyone on this list have this up and running?  that is, a
windows setup with all of the prerequisite XML/docbook/XSLT/FO/HTML/PDF
tools?  if so, drop me a note, i'd like to know more.


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