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[docbook-apps] Re: [docbook] Transitioning SGML docbook to XML, preserving formatting


Extension functions are only available in Java processors (Saxon and Xalan).
A while back there was talk about implementing extensions for xsltproc in
Python but haven't heard anything for a while.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adriaan de Groot" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 14:13
Subject: [docbook] Transitioning SGML docbook to XML, preserving formatting

> I've got a bunch of SGML docbook (4.1.2) that I'm trying to move to XML
> docbook. Up till now, I've been processing the SGML with jade and the
> stylesheets to produce HTML. I'm trying to move to xsltproc and the
> modular stylesheets from sourceforge.
> While processing is fine, I'm having some trouble fine-tuning the HTML
> In particular:
> 1) <colspec colwidth="2in"> doesn't seem to affect the HTML output at all
> unless I set <xsl:param name="use.extensions">1</xsl:param>,  in which
case I
> get the error message
> No adjustColumnWidths function available.
> 2) <sidebar> elements were surrounded by a border in the jade output. Is
> a way to copy this behavior?
> Thanks in advance,
> [ade]
> -- 
> pub  1024D/FEA2A3FE 2002-06-18 Adriaan de Groot <>
>      Key fingerprint = 934E 31AA 80A7 723F 54F9  50ED 76AC EE01 FEA2 A3FE
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