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Re: [docbook-apps] htmlhelp.encoding="windows-932" and Saxon

David Cramer (Tech Pubs) wrote:

I'm using htmlhelp xsls and saxon to produce Japanese chms. The .hhc
and .hhk files come out as Unicode files, even though
htmlhelp.encoding is set to Windows-932. The result is that in the

The problem might be that Saxon doesn't support this particular encoding. AFAIK newer versions of Saxon can handle all encodings supported by JVM. Are you sure that your JVM has support for windows-932? (I personally have never seen such encoding before, but I don't deal with CJK languages at all.)

Btw., I have tried various values for saxon.character.representation,
but that doesn't seem to change anything in the .hhc and .hhk files
and may not matter anyway.

This has effect only for HTML and XML output methods. HHC and HHK files are generated by text output method.

  Jirka Kosek  	

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