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Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook XSLT stylesheets: bugs, features, patches,enhancements

Ok, the spec is more than clear on this. I simply have not read the last paragraph at


11. general: attribute-sets

What's bad with attribute-sets, is the fact, that you have to copy all attributes in an attribute-set if you want to overload only one attribute.

That is not true. Atribute-sets are supposed to be merged, based on import precedence. There is a bug in the current xsltproc that prevents the merger, and so is you use xsltproc you must copy all of them. But that bug should be fixed in the next release of xsltproc.

Ah, sorry, I have to read the spec more exactly at this point I guess. I had a quick look when writing the above and I was not sure

Might be wrong here, but I think to set the font-size to our own value I have to copy the complete attribute set to my stylesheet that includes the DocBook stylesheets.

because of strange different behaviour (maybe because of having sometimes not set the java.endorsed.dirs and so using the old Xalan from JDK 1.4). So please ignore this comment.

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