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Re: [docbook-apps] FO: chapter title customization

On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 10:41:44AM +0200, Bernd Kuemmerlen wrote:
> Hello,
> Using the attribute-set, I am able to change 
> the appearance of my section titles in the fo-output. What is the 
> recommended way to change the chapter titles? I couldn't find a similar 
> attribute-set for chapters, so I was wondering if this can be done 
> differently, or if I should file this as an RFE for the stylesheets.

Yes, it can be done differently.  Chapter titles are
part of the titlepage mechanism in the XSL stylesheets.
The general process is to edit a copy of the title page
specification file and regenerate the titlepage XSL
templates.  See this reference for more info:

(it describes the process for HTML stylesheets, but
the process is the same for FO output).


Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
The SCO Group                               fax:   (831) 429-1887

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