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Re: [docbook-apps] want to add extra fonts to docbook -> fo processing

Hello Robert,

RPJD>   at the moment, the default monospace courier just looks too wide and
RPJD> takes up too much space, so i'd like to replace it with the monospace font
RPJD> that o'reilly is using in their newer books -- they list it as
RPJD> "LucasFont's TheSans Mono Condensed."  although it appears that that's a
RPJD> commercial font, so i'll take anything resaonably close i don't have to
RPJD> pay for. :-)  i just want a monospace font that's noticeably narrower,
RPJD> that's all.  so how to go about this?

As a quick workaround you can add following attribute-set in your
customization layer:

<xsl:attribute-set name="">
  <xsl:attribute name="font-stretch">semi-condensed</xsl:attribute>

It should make a trick. (It works for XEP, but I don't know if current
version of FOP supports 'font-stretch').

Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov                   

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