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Re: [docbook-apps] QandA chunking
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 07:54:41PM +0100, Dave Pawson wrote:
> At 18:12 18/07/2003 +0100, CPH wrote:
> >Hi all,
> > I've converted my FAQ to the QandA format.
> >However previously I was using sections to chunk my document.
> >However now I'm trying to figure out what I should use to get the same
> >behaviour using QandA ?
> >For the list I found at
> >
> >I cannot find a tag which I can insert between a QandASet and a QandADiv
> >to enable chunking.
> >
> >Am I on the wrong track again ?
> No. I use
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
> <!-- Time-stamp: "2003-05-10 11:25:44 dpawson" -->
> <!DOCTYPE webpage SYSTEM "../nw/website-2.2/website.dtd">
> <webpage navto="yes" id="normalise">
> <head>
> <title>Normalise Space</title>
> <summary>Normalise space</summary>
> <keywords>docbook faq FAQ</keywords>
> </head>
> <qandaset>
> <qandaentry>
> etc.
Hi Dave,
Your solution assumes he is using the Website stylesheets
instead of the stock DocBook XSL stylesheets.
If you are using the stock stylesheets, I've found it
easiest to put each qandaset into an actual section
element.[1] That way they get into the table of contents
and can be easily chunked with chunk.xsl.
To get chunk.xsl to chunk at qandadiv boundaries would
require customization of the chunking templates, which
is challenging at least.
Bob Stayton 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Technical Publications voice: (831) 427-7796
The SCO Group fax: (831) 429-1887
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