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Re: [docbook-apps] Newbie FAQ about Tutorial how to build to website


Thanks for your answers and patience for a maybe often ask question.

	> There is a chapter in my book on Website:
	> There is the DocBook XSL stylesheets for
	> generating PDF for regular DocBook documents.
	> But it doesn't work for <webpage> documents.

  But it should be an easy task to either transform a single webpage to 
  an docbook article or transform the whole webpage tree to a book and 
  transofrm this document to pdf with the usual xsl fo stylesheets.

Yes, i think, the conversion should be easy to do, hence xslt is just about transformation.

It would be nice, if you could post the conversion stylesheet some day.

Greetings from Hamburg,

Hans Braumüller 
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Mail Art Not War!

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