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Re: [docbook-apps] Bangla translation

On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 03:57:17PM -0700, Bob Stayton wrote:

> Yes, please send the file to this list.  I want to make sure you are
> translating the *source* file, not the processed file.  The source file
> for English is in CVS in gentext/locale/en.xml.  Do you have access the
> the CVS tree on SourceForge, or should I send the file to you?

 I am sending the bn.xml file as attachment. It was created from en.xml of 
1.60.1. as described in your XSL book. If a translations must be done from the
latest copy of the en.xml, then please send it to me. As I have access to only
offline email (this'll change soon, hopefully), I have no user account at sf
and hence no CVS access ;-( 

 Thanks for replying Sir. I am a reader of your "Using DB XSL Stylesheet" book
and it's always a nice thing to speak (?) to the author of a useful book. And
thanks again for releasing that book under GFDPL. Otherwise I wouldn't have been
able to read that book ;-)

 Khoda Hafez

Attachment: bn.xml.bz2
Description: Binary data

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