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Re: [docbook-apps] Another (embarrassing) CSS Question

When you declare the CSS for image just try img instead of div.img. The code
as you had it wanted to work only on the image tags that were inside a div
as a first child. img by itself works on all images.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:31
Subject: [docbook-apps] Another (embarrassing) CSS Question

> I apologize right off the bat for asking this question because it's a CSS
> question and I'm not quite sure it's really that related to docbook. But
> here I go anyway.
> As usual, my problem focuses around spacing. I've inserted a graphic using
> the docbook <graphic> tag, and what I want to do is, using a CSS, I want
> control the spacing above and below the graphic (i.e. top and bottom
> margin). So in my CSS I tried referring to div.img, which it just did not
> like.
> Does anyone have any ideas on how I can control this spacing? (I also
> out of curiosity the <literallayout> tag, but I think that's only for
> text.)
> Thanks for your patience.
> JB
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