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Re: installing sshd | Win 10 1909 build

Thanks, but insufficient. Where is the Cygwin sshd equivalent of the following for the Windows 10 implementation of OpenSSH?:

Is there an equivalent for Cygwin sshd, that deals in a step-by-step fashion specifically with handling recent build of Windows 10, all of which have openSSH pre-installed?

On 12/26/2019 4:02 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, Evan Cooch!

So, is there a 'tried and true, officially sanctioned' way to get Cygin
sshd running as a service under the latest build of Windows 10, if you
working with a clean, new install of Windows?
Thanks much in advance...
The only "true and tried" supported way of installing Cygwin's SSHD is the one
using provided ssh-host-config.
That assuming you are using an up-to-date installation of Cygwin.
If you intend to use both Windows and Cygwin SSHD, you'll have to resolve
TCP ports conflict somehow (which should be expected), otherwide, you may
simple uninstall Windows one.

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