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Re: mintty window flashes open and immediately closes

On 12/17/2019 6:55 PM, Brent Epp wrote:

Yep, I messed up, those options were for bash, not for minnty.

> This is interesting: I have a backup copy of my cygwin installation from
> 2 days ago.  I restored it to another folder, made a shortcut... and it
> works.
> I'll have to run some diffs to double-check, but I'm pretty certain the
> only thing that's changed in the past two days is that I ran the latest
> installer today to update.

Interesting.  I have fully updated cygwin 64 bits, and no problem;
Windows 10 Pro/64-bit also up to date.

My actual shortcut only sets the window size (and that is a minnty option :)

	C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -p 80,600 -

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