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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] xterm 348-1

On 2019-11-06 19:39, Takashi Yano wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Nov 2019 10:24:29 -0700
> Brian Inglis wrote:
>> Does tcsh input work properly under mintty instead of xterm?
> Yes, it works under mintty.
>> How does it work in cat, od, etc.? That can not include using input via tcsh?
> cat, od, etc. are works even if they are started from tcsh.
>> Presumably you are using IME(s) for Japanese input - which at what input layer(s)?
> I'm using Microsoft-made IME (MS-IME).
>> I noticed that xterm was updated to Unicode 10 then 11, with changes to CJK/East
>> Asian character properties and handling; tcsh dropped libcatgets1 as a
>> dependency; those could affect input.
> I confirmed the issue does not occur in the combination of:
> Debian/sid + xterm 349 + tcsh 6.21.00
> Debian/buster + xterm 344 + tcsh 6.20.00
> Therefore, this may be a cygwin dedicated issue.
> Wait. I have just found /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm has a entry
> *VT100*eightBitInput: false
> which is added from cygwin xterm 348-1.
> Removing this line or changing the value to true solves this issue.
> Katsumi, could you please check if this solves the issue?

Excellent catch! Great work!

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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