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Re: malloc(0) crashing with SIGABRT

On 2019-09-11 20:59, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2019-09-09 11:13, Petr Skočík wrote:
There's been a twitter discussion on how different POSIX platforms
handle malloc(0): .

As for Cygwin, the answer appears to be "not well", but this should be
easy to fix.

POSIX SUS V4 2018 says:


Upon successful completion with size not equal to 0, malloc() shall return a
pointer to the allocated space. If size is 0, either:

A null pointer shall be returned [CX] [Option Start] and errno may be set to
an implementation-defined value, [Option End] or

A pointer to the allocated space shall be returned. The application shall
ensure that the pointer is not used to access an object.

Otherwise, it shall return a null pointer [CX] [Option Start] and set errno to
indicate the error. [Option End]"

The second option could be implemented by a pointer to an unmapped page, or a
reference to an inaccessible mmap-ed area length zero.

That's easy: the null pointer, plus some small offset that observes alignment, like 16.

(Alignment is important even if the memory isn't accessed, because nonportable programs depend on it for other reasons, like being able to use the least significant few bits
of a pointer for tagging.)

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