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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] TEST: Cygwin 3.1.0-0.1

On Aug 18 16:29, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > There's no xlocale.h on Linux either.  What do these packages do in
> > that case?
> I've dug a little bit deeper.  The trouble is that perl.h has picked up
> xlocale.h as the location of some of the interfaces it wants to use
> during configuration, so that means you can't compile any XS modules
> after the update to 3.1.0 anymore.

We discussed this on IRC.  Bottom line is that perl.h should not
have picked up xlocale.h in the first place.  This requires some
new perl packages.


Corinna Vinschen
Cygwin Maintainer

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