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Re: More on Win7 update messing up HOME

--On Saturday, August 17, 2019 12:28 AM +0300 Andrey Repin <> wrote:

Greetings, David Karr!

> I wish I could get my own messages on this list, so I could add more
> information to my first note.

Just reply to your own initial message. Or better yet, subscribe.

I am subscribed.  I can't reply to my own initial message because I never
receive my own postings, I only receive notes sent by other people.

You WROTE it. No need to receive to reply to it.

As a subscriber, I receive a copy of every mail I send to the list (and I prefer it that way). Seems to be the default list setting. Perhaps David changed his list preferences at some point or there was a different default setting for the list at the time he subscribed? It's pretty common for this to be the default behavior for a mailing list. For one thing, it ensures you know that your email to the list was actually delivered.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
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