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Re: mq_notify api of mqueue.h does not work

On Aug 12 23:32, nilesh gharde wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using windows 10 and installed msys2 which internally uses "Cygwin
> code base" to have ENV same as my linux machine.
> I have implemented an IPC mechanism based on mqueue Apis. I see few mqueue
> api's work properly like create and send as I can see the "/my_queue_name"
> gets created under "/dev/mqueue/my_queue_name" and I see some data which I
> put there. But I see the behavior is kind of diff with msys2 on windows.
> Windows Machine:
> $ ls -ltr
> total 4
> -rw-r--r-- 1 ngharde Domain Users 1296 Aug 11 17:58 Niles
> $ cat Niles
> d▒▒1F734DB930DC569D000000001B1061BF▒) @2tv <>▒▒This
> is nilesh string onep"This is
> nilesh stting two nfnslfn"This is nilesh stting two nfnslfnX▒@▒(▒
> [When I do cat I see this crap + my added data with send API]
> LINUX machine Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
> >ls -ltr
> total 0
> -rw-r--r-- 1 ngharde users 80 Aug 5 19:27 Niles
> > cat Niles
> [Here I see info. about which PID is kind of waiting on this queue to get
> notified ]
> The behavior where a process subscribe to get notified if there some msg in
> the queue kind of works correctly in my Linux machine, but on windows with
> msys2 that behavior I am not able to achieve.
> code path:
> Thanks in advance!

Can you please create a simple, self-contained testcase in plain C?


Corinna Vinschen
Cygwin Maintainer

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