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Re: cygport and C:\Windows\system32\tar.exe

Greetings, Federico Kircheis!

>>> My problem is that cyport tries to invoke tar with an absolute file, and
>>> of course C:\Windows\system32\tar.exe does not understand a path that
>>> begins with `/cygdrive/c`.
>> No.  Your problem is that you're trying to use cygport from the wrong
>> place, causing the PATH seen by it to be completely wrong.  Well, either
>> that, or that you somehow failed to install Cygwin's own tar, even
>> though it's part of the base system, so it should always be installed.

> Mhm, You are of course right.

> I've a clean system (plus a couple of programs), and cygwin.

> I was able to reproduce the error directly from the cygwin terminal 
> (with relative and absolute path), but now I'm unable to trigger it 
> anymore :-S

If you've started mintty by hands, it will inherit current environment.
In which case, you have to do some hand-waving to make it work more reliable.

>> Cygport, like many of the more involved utilities delivered by Cygwin,
>> is meant to be used from inside the Cygwin shell.  At the very least,
>> you have to ensure that the PATH of the shell running cygport is set up
>> properly, with Cygwin's `/bin' and/or `usr/bin' mounts at the front of it.
>>> How do you generally solve that problem?
>> Basically by not even having it in the first place.

> Of course, since cycheck reported it as possible issue I thought that 
> was it.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Sunday, June 30, 2019 10:51:47

Sorry for my terrible english...

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