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Re: Windowless Perl

On 2019-06-10 3:24 pm, Achim Gratz wrote:
Chris Wagner writes:
Perl maintainers, I was wondering why the Cygwin Perl distribution
does not contain a windowless Perl executable, wperl.exe.

Because nobody needs it?

Directly executing the standard perl.exe from Windows causes a command
console to pop up.  I've had it before in other distros but it would
be super handy to execute completely headless Perl scripts with Cygwin

That's what "run" is for, actually.

Well I would have a good use for it.

I didn't know about run, thanks for the tip. However when I use it to launch something from the Start Menu Run command, it still pops open a terminal window of some kind for a fraction of a second. I'm on Windows 7.


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