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Re: Dragging from explorer to cygwin terminal is not putting the path into the terminal

On 2019-06-08 01:10, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 08.06.2019 um 02:52 schrieb Academy OfFetishes:
>> On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 5:41 PM Doug Henderson wrote:
>>> On Fri, 7 Jun 2019 at 11:33, Academy OfFetishes wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 12:41 AM Thomas Wolff wrote:
>>>> I have the same problem with 3.0.0.
>>>> Sorry for slowly dripping out information (I promise that's not my
>>>> intent), but I will say, as soon as I created this user account on
>>>> windows, I had copy and paste issues that were outside of cygwin.  I
>>>> recall copying text from firefox and not being able to paste it into
>>>> windows explorer and vice versa (these are contrived examples.  I can't
>>>> remember what the exact problems were, but they were similar to this).
>>>> It seemed very random, though.  Like some copy/paste worked, and some
>>>> did not.  After running sfc /scannow and restarting twice, the problem
>>>> seems to have gone away completely.
>>>> I'm not sure if that's to this problem (except that it could point out
>>>> a borked windows install).
>>> I encountered strange clipboard problems as a result of fiddling with
>>> the Clipboard Settings in Win10.
>>> When I turned on "Sync across devices", after a "Copy to clipboard"
>>> operation, sometimes the "Paste from clipboard" operation pasted
>>> nothing or the previous clipboard content. A few moments later,
>>> another "Paste" would paste the content of the most recent "Copy". It
>>> seems as though the content of the clipboard was not updated after a
>>> Copy operation until a Sync to cloud was performed, with the timing
>>> being dependant on WiFi, internet and cloud speeds and latency.
>>> I did not observe any difference in "Drag and Drop" behaviour with
>>> this setting, but I almost exclusively use keyboard Copy and Paste
>>> instead of mouse Drop and Drag.
>> That's interesting.  Well my sync settings already seems to be off, but
>> when I was having issues, it was working just like you described.
>> I'm not sure if I'm supposed to create a new Mintty issue or wait for
>> Thomas to reply.
> 1. Please note that this list has a no-top-posting policy. (Respond below the
> text you're referring to.)
> 2. Latest comments are suggesting this may not be a mintty issue.
> 3. I can only reply if there is a clear question or issue presented. Even though
> I noticed the issue once myself, there is still no "reproducible test case".

The OP has a reproducible test case: file drag to cmd always works, file drag to
mintty never works: fails on both 3.0.0 and 3.0.7; the rest of us have no
problems: diagnosis opportunity!

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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