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Re: Question regarding OpenSSL 1.1.1b package configuration against OpenSSL 1.0.2r

On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 22:04:16, Vince Rice wrote:
It's cygport, he doesn't have to know about compiling C. He has to know about
running a one-line cygport command.

This just seems purposefully ignorant. How exactly is he suppose to modify the C
source to address the problem and recompile, if he doesnt know anything about
compiling C?

You offered the user nothing, and berated Brian for offering help. The only
nonsense on offer here is from you. And the only one off-putting in this
conversation is you.

Oh really? Is that why OP agreed with me?:

Anyway, Steven you are right compiling a package like OpenSSL is not
straightforward even with Cygport but still feasable with reasonnable efforts
(I guess because I'm used to have unsual setup where automatic tool does not
work out of the box :) )

Read the thread dude and stop trolling.

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