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Re: Cygwin/X does not seem to work on Windows 10

On Tue, Jun 4, 2019, at 15:18, Massimo Balestra wrote:
> > - Installed all the packages, as described in
> > - Started XLaunch
> > - Selected "Multiple Window" and "Start no client", to start the X Server
> I don't know XLaunch but for the Xwindows I prepared a shorcut that run:
> D:\cygwin64\bin\XWin.exe -multiwindow -listen tcp

This is interesting, because the way to use XLaunch is the one which is described on the Cygwin/X website.

Anyway, I did I started it from the Windows command prompt, as you suggested (without the -listen option because I don't plan to use ssh), and when I then start my 

    DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm &

I get the error message 

    xterm: cannot load font "-Misc-Fixed-bold-R-*-*-13-120-75-75-C-120-ISO10646-1"

which means that at least the DISPLAY is not a problem anymore. Don't know why it can't find a suitable font, since I have installed plenty of fonts from the Cygwin X11 category. What still does not work is the "X-icon" in the notification area.

As a further test, I started

      DISPLAY=:0.0 xeyes &

because this for sure doesn't need any font. This worked too.


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