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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: wixl-0.99-1, msitools-0.99-1, gcab-1.2-1

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

* girepository-msi0-0.99-1
* libmsi-devel-0.99-1
* libmsi0-0.99-1
* msitools-0.99-1
* vala-msi0-0.99-1
* wixl-0.99-1

* gcab-1.2-1
* girepository-gcab1.0-1.2-1
* libgcab-devel-1.2-1
* libgcab-doc-1.2-1
* libgcab1.0_0-1.2-1
* vala-gcab1.0-1.2-1

wixl is a WiX-like tool that builds Windows Installer (.msi) packages from an XML document, and tries to share the same syntax as the WiX toolset

msitools contains a set of programs to inspect and build Windows Installer (.msi) files. It is based on libmsi, a portable library to read and write .msi files.

- msibuild, a low-level tool to create MSI files
- msidiff: compares two MSI packages' contents
- msidump: dumps raw MSI tables and stream contents
- msiextract: extracts files contained in MSI packages
- msiinfo: inspects MSI packages

gcab is a GObject library to create cabinet files

These can be used, for example, to build .msi packages containing cross built MinGW-w64 applications.

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