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Re: Cygwin Dirmngr and TBB for windows

Am 30.08.2018 um 11:30 schrieb john doe:
On 7/11/2018 10:11 AM, john doe wrote:

I'm trying to get Cygwin dirmngr to work with  Tor Browser for Windows.

Following some discussion on the gnupg user list it looks like that the connect(2) function in Cygwin does not return the proper error code:

On the above link one of the dev suggest that connect(2) returns EPERMS instead of ECONREFUSED.

If ECONREFUSED is not returned when port 9050 is queried the fallback code in dirmngr will not be executed and port 9150 will never be used.

Using dirmngr on Debian with TBBfor linux works as expected.

Can anyone confirm that and subcequently make Cygwin return the proper error code?

Any help is appriciated.

As any one has been able to confirm that the issue is present in Cygwin code? I didn't see anything regarding this issue in the beta version of Cygwin or did I mist it?

a Simple Test Case will help to verify the claim.

connect is not expected to return EPERM

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