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Re: running self compiled 32 bit binary on 64 bit Windows?

Greetings, Ulli Horlacher!

> On Sat 2018-07-14 (16:31), Achim Gratz wrote:

>> > I have several 100 users, none of them is able to install cygwin and
>> > the packages they need the official way, they are way to *CENSORED* for
>> > this job :-}
>> If they can follow your current instructions, they can surely start some
>> script that does this correctly?

> This script would run setup-x86_64.exe which asks a lot of questions
> (mirror site, proxy, installation directory, etc) in the first run.

You're still looking for excuses, instead of solutions.

> This will overcharge my users!

setup --help

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:43:05

Sorry for my terrible english...

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