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Re: Strange git issue with a particular repo

On 2018-08-05 10:21, wrote:
> Hi.
> john doe <> wrote:
>> Linux is case sensitive and Windows is case preserving.
>> That is probably the issue here, did the case of the files has been 
>> changed (rename 100%)?
>> In other words, on "Cygwin" git can not handle files defering only by 
>> the case.
> It's possible, but I don't think so.  Is there a straightforward way to
> tell?  Although I've been using git for a while, I'm not a major league
> guru.

I don't think it is a rename in the history.  I think it is because both
regdir/T.sub and regdir/t.sub exist in the dame directory, for example.
You can clone it successfully on Windows if you enable case sensitivity,
which is probably not recommended but possible with a registry change.

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