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Can not get XWindows to Work in Cygwin/X .... I LOVE CYGWIN, USE IT EVERY DAY

Dear Cygwin, 

I am trying to get the X Windows to work, I must be doing something wrong.  I read the FAQ and manual but no go.  I have Cygwin/X installed on a Windows 7 Desktop.  

I type Startxwin or xwin and just get a xterm to the server ?   I got some directions I am gonna try tonight.  

I would like to take this chance to say thanks for the software .... I LOVE CYGWIN, USE IT EVERY DAY.
I have shell scripting that runs my EDI programs ... it was on the korn shell on MKS toolkit .... the one person i worked with wanted to save money and (unknow to me) never paid the Software Maint. fees to mks .... and when I went to renew ... they wanted a huge sum of money and gave me a destuction date for the software .... i explained that I needed to run 2 environments and could not destroy the software.   

They would not deal with me, help me or for that matter, return my calls or email. 

It took a little work ... but I ported my scripting to bash under Cygwin. 

Next time the arrogant sales rep called me asking what I wanted to do ... I said I moved to the free, Open Source Cygwin and simply have no further need of your overpriced software.  


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