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Re: DMARC - or is it

On 29 November 2016 at 11:59, Erik Soderquist <> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:19 AM, David Macek wrote:
>> What happens is that ezmlm (the mailing list software) broadcasts this
>> message (after adding a bunch of links at the bottom) to everyone
>> subscribed, but with the sender unchanged. Yahoo has got a DMARC policy
>> set up that is supposed to ensure that only Yahoo servers can send
>> messages marked as "from". As you can see, Google is
>> enforcing the policy and correctly rejecting the message as fake (it
>> really wasn't sent by Yahoo, but by Sourceware). This is only going to
>> happen more and more often as email providers up the battle against
>> spam.
>> The best solution is to change the way ezmlm re-sends the messages, I
>> bet there's a big discussion about it somewhere on the Internet.
> Probably hundreds if not thousands of such discussions!
> Who is in charge of the list server configuration?  Sourceware itself, or
> someone from Cygwin?

Sourceware runs the lists

Stephen J Smoogen.

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