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Re: python 2.7.12 pip install with extensions fails with warning: "__BSD_VISIBLE" redefined

>> Hi -
>> The newest version of cygwin with python 2.7.12-1 fails when pip
>> installing packages that require compilation.  For example, pycrypto
>> fails:
>FWIW this patch to pycrypto also fixes it:
>The problem only occurs when trying to build with the C99 standard if
>Python itself was not.

I fixed this issue by editing /usr/include/python2.7/pyconfig.h to comment
out the second line of:

/* Define on FreeBSD to activate all library features */
#define __BSD_VISIBLE 1

This seemed like the right thing to do since Cygwin isn't FreeBSD, and
the problem went away.

Is this an oversight in python-devel package?  Issue doesn't occur in
32-bit version.

Stephen Carrier
Systems Administrator 
BEAR (Berkeley Evaluation & Assessment Research) Center
Graduate School of Education
University of California, Berkeley

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