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Re: isn't or hasn't 32 bit support going or gone away?

On 2016-11-10 02:16, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Nov  9 13:53, L. A. Walsh wrote:
I thought I remember an announcement about 32-bit support
going away in cygwin and that cygwin would only be built for
64-bit?  Am I imagining this or was this reversed?

We only (kind of) joked about it.

MS will release that fix in an upcoming Anniversary Update, if
the 32 bit MS Office Education and Enterprise licence revenue
ever dwindles, and Insider devs' systems tell MS they don't do
32 bit builds.

Cygwin won't have to worry about it, as they won't have a WoW
to work on any more ;^>

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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