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Re: Windows 10 updates causes fork retry no child processes

On 11/04/2016 02:40 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Brian Inglis writes:
>>> I think the simplest way for right now might be to have a batch file run at startup that runs rebaseall.
>>> Something like these lines in a batch file:
>>> cd C:\Cygwin\bin
>>> .\ash /bin/rebaseall
>>> This would rebase the dlls each time after Windows Update forces a reboot.
>>> Do you see any issue with that?
>> To set up for a full rebase you need to run the following first:
>> .\dash /bin/rebase-trigger fullrebase
>> otherwise it will run an incremental and probably do nothing.
> No, rebaseall is distinct from the incremental autorebase script.
> Regards,
> Achim.

Thanks for the clarification.

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