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Starting VirtualBox 5 GUI creates two windows, but only with Cygwin/X

Hi list.

I often use X11 forwarding to run Linux programs with GUI.
Recently I upgraded from vbox 4 to version
(My Linux host is headless Rhel 6.7 Server with xorg-x11-xauth package

I noticed that when I type "VirtualBox" in shell and then close its
window the process remains running. Then I noticed that there's another
hidden window in taskbar.
I have to press Ctrl-C or close the second window to end the process.

This only happens when I connect from Windows and use cygwin xwin server
(but not xming or Linux client)

The visible window is captioned "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager@hostname"
and the hidden one is captioned "VirtualBox@hostname"

It's not really hidden. There's a white pixel at the top-left edge of my
second monitor

I upgraded my Cygwin installation today, but the problem did't go away.
Before the upgrade I had some messages appear in XWin.0.log, but now
they're gone:

    [656077.648] winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler - ERROR: BadWindow
(invalid Window parameter)
    [656077.664] winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler - ERROR: BadWindow
(invalid Window parameter)
    [656077.664] winMultiWindowXMsgProcErrorHandler - ERROR: BadWindow
(invalid Window parameter)

I start the server from shell using an alias:

	alias runx='run xwin -multiwindow -noprimary'

I have this at the end of my ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
    ForwardX11Trusted yes
    ForwardX11 yes

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