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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] New: xwin-xdg-menu-20150706-1 [GOLDSTAR]

On Mon, 2015-07-06 at 22:16 +0100, Jon TURNEY wrote:
> The following packages have been added to the Cygwin distribution:
> * xwin-xdg-menu
> xwin-xdg-menu is an XDG Desktop Menu Specification [1] menu for the X 
> Window System running in the Cygwin environment.
> xwin-xdg-menu reads the menu specification and desktop entries, and 
> constructs a menu which is accessed from a notification area icon.

I really hope that users who didn't like the fbpanel solution (and it
seems there are many) will give this a fair shot.  In appreciation of
the work Jon put into addressing both users' input as well as the many
technical requirements of a modern, spec-compliant solution, could we
please have a gold star polished for Jon?


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