J. David Boyd writes:
What I'm doing (with some success)is this:
1. get latest cygwin update
2. del /etc/rebase*
3. rebaseall -v
4. peflagsall -v
5. don't restart cygserver (This means my bash shell window starts a little
slower, but I can live with that.)
From the announcement of _autorebase:
To perform a full rebase, execute "rebase-trigger fullrebase". Then
shut down Cygwin and simply run setup.exe. The rebase will be
performed even when the installation did not get modified in any way.
Any subsequent runs of setup.exe will again rebase in incremental
I usually have to do this 2 to 3 times before I can get emacs to start without
vfork errors.
Do you use Cygwin Emacs or something else?
Also, I often run Cygwin Setup (to get something I've missed, like wget..., or
check for updates) while emacs is running. Should I shut it down first?
Depends, but anything that could interfere with the rebase is a
potential problem.