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OpenSSH 6.8p1-1 and keychain: can't determine fingerprint

After updating to OpenSSH 6.8p1-1, I experienced an issue where, at
every login, keychain (in my .bash_profile) wrote a warning:

My .bash_profile lines:
# Start keychain, passing as args all private keys to be cached
keychain ${HOME}/.ssh/id_dsa #, other_key1, other_key2, ...
# That creates a file which must be sourced to set env vars
source ${HOME}/.keychain/${HOSTNAME}-sh

The warning:
Can't determine fingerprint from the following line, falling back to filename

A post
( )
to an Arch Linux forum expressed a similar report, along with a solution,
adding a case for SHA256 or MD5: .

For clarity, that's:
*\ SHA256:[0-9a-zA-Z\+\/=]*|*\ MD5:[0-9a-zA-Z\+\/=]*)
    # The new OpenSSH 6.8+ format,
    #   1024 SHA256:mVPwvezndPv/ARoIadVY98vAC0g+P/5633yTC4d/wXE /home/barney/.ssh/id_dsa (DSA)
    echo "$ef_line" | cut -f2 -d' '

I applied the changes to my /usr/bin/keychain, and the errors stopped.

I think this change belongs in Cygwin, too, since OpenSSH 6.8p1-1 .

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