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Re: Dependencies and GNOME

On Fri, 2015-03-20 at 15:03 +0000, Peter Hull wrote:
> I just ran setup (2.870, 32-bit) and it installed a lot of GNOME
> software that I didn't have before and didn't ask for(e.g. Epiphany).
> My fault for clicking through I suppose without checking.
> Looking at dependencies in setup.ini I see xinit requires
> adwaita-icon-theme and that pulls in a load of GNOME libraries, but I
> still can't see why the 'top level' applications were installed.

xinit also requires fbpanel, which requires the same GTK+ libraries.
Adwaita is pulled in as the default GTK+ theme since 3.14.

> Is this expected/normal or have I done something wrong?

This is not expected.  Nothing depends on epiphany that would have
caused it to be pulled in without having selected it (or the GNOME
category) for installation.


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